
social pages

Hello! Are you new in social pages like tuenti or facebook?

If you are, this article will help you. Acontinuation I will give you some advices.
One of the advices of thousees is that you can do social life, and speak with your friends and also make new friends. You can also play games and see different people photos.

But thouse pages also has a lot of disadvantages,the main one is that you lose your private life, and people that you wouldn`t like to see your things can saw. This problem has its solution, because editing your page you can decide whitch person can see your things or not.

As a conclusion, we can say that thous pages have good and bad things, all depending how you use it.


welcome post

Hello! I am Julen Izeta and this is my new blog that during this year I will use for ICT classes. I will enter diferent tipes of works! I hope you will like it!
You are all welcome!